Generating names with recurrent neural networks (5 points)

This time you'll find yourself delving into the heart (and other intestines) of recurrent neural networks on a class of toy problems.

Struggle to find a name for the variable? Let's see how you'll come up with a name for your son/daughter. Surely no human has expertize over what is a good child name, so let us train RNN instead;

It's dangerous to go alone, take these:

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
import os
#thanks @keskarnitish

In [ ]:
start_token = " "

with open("names") as f:
    names =[:-1].split('\n')
    names = [start_token+name for name in names]

In [ ]:
print('n samples = ', len(names))
for x in names[::1000]:

Text processing

First we need next to collect a "vocabulary" of all unique tokens i.e. unique characters. We can then encode inputs as a sequence of character ids.

In [ ]:
# all unique characters go here
tokens = <all unique characters in the dataset>

tokens = list(tokens)
print('n_tokens = ', len(tokens))

Theano is built for numbers, not strings of characters. We'll feed our recurrent neural network with ids of characters from our dictionary.

To create such dictionary, let's assign each character with it's index in tokens list.

In [ ]:
token_to_id = <YOUR CODE: dictionary of symbol -> its identifier (index in tokens list)>

id_to_token = <dictionary of symbol identifier -> symbol itself>

In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.hist(list(map(len, names)), bins=25)

In [ ]:
# truncate names longer than MAX_LEN characters.
MAX_LEN = ?!

# you will likely need to change this for any dataset different from "names"

Cast everything from symbols into identifiers

In [ ]:
names_ix = list(map(lambda name: list(map(token_to_id.get, name)), names))

# crop long names and pad short ones
for i in range(len(names_ix)):
    names_ix[i] = names_ix[i][:MAX_LEN]  # crop too long

    if len(names_ix[i]) < MAX_LEN:
        names_ix[i] += [token_to_id[" "]] * \
            (MAX_LEN - len(names_ix[i]))  # pad too short

assert len(set(map(len, names_ix))) == 1

names_ix = np.array(names_ix)

Input variables

In [ ]:
input_sequence = T.matrix('token sequencea', 'int32')
target_values = T.matrix('actual next token', 'int32')

Build NN

You will be building a model that takes token sequence and predicts next token

  • iput sequence
  • one-hot / embedding
  • recurrent layer(s)
  • otput layer(s) that predict output probabilities

In [ ]:
from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer, EmbeddingLayer
from lasagne.layers import RecurrentLayer, LSTMLayer, GRULayer, CustomRecurrentLayer

In [ ]:
l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, None), input_var=input_sequence)

#!<Your neural network>
l_emb = <embedding layer or one-hot encoding>

l_rnn = <some recurrent layer(or several such layers)>

# flatten batch and time to be compatible with feedforward layers (will un-flatten later)
l_rnn_flat = lasagne.layers.reshape(l_rnn, (-1, l_rnn.output_shape[-1]))

l_out = <last dense layer(or several layers), returning probabilities for all possible next tokens>

In [ ]:
# Model weights
weights = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(l_out, trainable=True)

In [ ]:
network_output = <NN output via lasagne>
# If you use dropout do not forget to create deterministic version for evaluation

In [ ]:
predicted_probabilities_flat = network_output
correct_answers_flat = target_values.ravel()

loss = <loss function - a simple categorical crossentropy will do, maybe add some regularizer>

updates = <your favorite optimizer>

Compiling it

In [ ]:
# training
train = theano.function([input_sequence, target_values],
                        loss, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)

# computing loss without training
compute_cost = theano.function(
    [input_sequence, target_values], loss, allow_input_downcast=True)



  • get initial context(seed),
  • predict next token probabilities,
  • sample next token,
  • add it to the context
  • repeat from step 2

You'll get a more detailed info on how it works in the homework section.

In [ ]:
# compile the function that computes probabilities for next token given previous text.

# reshape back into original shape
next_word_probas = network_output.reshape(
    (input_sequence.shape[0], input_sequence.shape[1], len(tokens)))
# predictions for next tokens (after sequence end)
last_word_probas = next_word_probas[:, -1]
probs = theano.function(
    [input_sequence], last_word_probas, allow_input_downcast=True)

In [ ]:
def generate_sample(seed_phrase=None, N=MAX_LEN, t=1, n_snippets=1):
    The function generates text given a phrase of length at least SEQ_LENGTH.

        sample_fun - max_ or proportional_sample_fun or whatever else you implemented

        The phrase is set using the variable seed_phrase

        The optional input "N" is used to set the number of characters of text to predict.     
    if seed_phrase is None:
        seed_phrase = start_token
    if len(seed_phrase) > MAX_LEN:
        seed_phrase = seed_phrase[-MAX_LEN:]
    assert type(seed_phrase) is str

    snippets = []
    for _ in range(n_snippets):
        sample_ix = []
        x = list(map(lambda c: token_to_id.get(c, 0), seed_phrase))
        x = np.array([x])

        for i in range(N):
            # Pick the character that got assigned the highest probability
            p = probs(x).ravel()
            p = p**t / np.sum(p**t)
            ix = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(tokens)), p=p)

            x = np.hstack((x[-MAX_LEN+1:], [[ix]]))

        random_snippet = seed_phrase + \
            ''.join(id_to_token[ix] for ix in sample_ix)

    print("----\n %s \n----" % '; '.join(snippets))

Model training

Here you can tweak parameters or insert your generation function

Once something word-like starts generating, try increasing seq_length

In [ ]:
def sample_batch(data, batch_size):

    rows = data[np.random.randint(0, len(data), size=batch_size)]

    return rows[:, :-1], rows[:, 1:]

In [ ]:
print("Training ...")

# total N iterations
n_epochs = 100

# how many minibatches are there in the epoch
batches_per_epoch = 500

# how many training sequences are processed in a single function call
batch_size = 10

for epoch in range(n_epochs):

    print("Generated names")

    avg_cost = 0

    for _ in range(batches_per_epoch):

        x, y = sample_batch(names_ix, batch_size)
        avg_cost += train(x, y)

    print("Epoch {} average loss = {}".format(
        epoch, avg_cost / batches_per_epoch))

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
generate_sample(seed_phrase=" A", n_snippets=10)

In [ ]:
generate_sample(seed_phrase= <whatever you please> , n_snippets=10, t=1.0)

In [ ]:

Bonus: try it out!

You've just implemented a recurrent language model that can be tasked with generating any kind of sequence, so there's plenty of data you can try it on:

  • Novels/poems/songs of your favorite author
  • News titles/clickbait titles
  • Source code of Linux or Tensorflow
  • Molecules in smiles format
  • Melody in notes/chords format
  • Ikea catalog titles
  • Pokemon names
  • Cards from Magic, the Gathering / Hearthstone

If you're willing to give it a try, here's what you wanna look at:

  • Current data format is a sequence of lines, so a novel can be formatted as a list of sentences. Alternatively, you can change data preprocessing altogether.
  • While some datasets are readily available, others can only be scraped from the web. Try Selenium or Scrapy for that.
  • Make sure MAX_LENGTH is adjusted for longer datasets. There's also a bonus section about dynamic RNNs at the bottom.
  • More complex tasks require larger RNN architecture, try more neurons or several layers. It would also require more training iterations.
  • Long-term dependencies in music, novels or molecules are better handled with LSTM or GRU

Good hunting!